Hi! My name is Jeanette. Chinese astrology says I’m a Tiger. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I’ve worked for startup companies and big brands, like Nike and Microsoft. I have lived in New Jersey, Colorado, Toronto and Seattle. I wanted to be an actress, then a forensic scientist (thanks to CSI: Miami) and finally a journalist. I’m 2 for 3.
I also:
once forged a check at age 10 because I wanted pizza & my parents weren’t home. Kudos to the delivery guy for accepting it.
want street tacos with green salsa every day #SoCalGirl.
hate bananas. Like a lot. Except for banana nut bread.
have done aerial yoga and thought it was ironic. I’d rather do HIIT.
always have a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos in my pantry.
Email: JeanetteC03@gmail.com